My mom taught me that the world was gonna end by the time I was 25.
That would have been in the year 2008. How did she come up with that date and what does she say now that 11 years has gone by since then?
can't believe how fast time has gone by.
my mom taught me that the world was gonna end by the time i was 25..
My mom taught me that the world was gonna end by the time I was 25.
That would have been in the year 2008. How did she come up with that date and what does she say now that 11 years has gone by since then?
recently, i wrote a sister, my bible study conductor, an email just telling her that i thought of her, and i thanked her for being a part of some milestones in my life many many years ago.
(for those who are reading my post for the first time, i was a very impressionable teenager at that time and i had the chance to live in their country for a while, spent much time with her, got to know her way of living, and essentially she became my life's mentor.
closer to me than family.
I disagree with some who have said that Friendship and or Love is unconditional. We all place conditions, large and small, on our friends and loved ones. If I had a friend or loved one who became disagreeable, or was late or didn't show up most of the time, became a slob, wasn't honest or who started doing things or supporting something I though was wrong, I might choose not to associate with him anymore until he changed.
Your friend wants you to be what she wants you to be. You knew her via the JW's and she wants you to be like you were back then, however you have grown up and are not the idealistic and easily impressed 19 year old you once were and that's normal, you're not supposed to be.
She has every right to place her own conditions on her side of the friendship but you don't have to buy into the idea that just because this woman that you're viewing with your 19 year old eyes doesn't agree with your choices, you re the problem in this situation.
I think her letter was condescending, manipulative and full of those odd JW catch phrases designed to make the user (her) sound and feel as if they are on a higher more virtuous plane than the the recipient (you). She liked you better back in the day when using them on you had the desired effect.
well my son (he's pimi) came to me the other day and asked if i could make a bookcase with hidden spaces built into it.
i asked him what for?
he said that they were encouraged to start thinking of and preparing for persecution and hide literature.
Back in the 75 days, we were encouraged to hide literature (namely Watchtowers) inside plastic liquid detergent bottles and bury them in our gardens for use when the work was under ban (any day now) so that we would be able to get "spiritual sustenance" on a regular basis. The fear was that we'd give up our faith or forget our beliefs if we were put under persecution unless we had the literature there to remind up what we were supposed to think.
At first glance, it seemed like it made sense but then one had to wonder what they were supposed to do if they were driven away from their home (as they said we would be) or if there was new light that came out after you buried your literature bottles. Would you still be let into the new system if you had held firm to the wrong version of the "Truth"?
I wonder where all those bottles full of "old light" are these 44 years later ? I always expected to hear an experience at the assembly where someone dug up one of those old bottles and immediately contacted JW's for a bible study which of course was followed up with baptism of the individual and their entire family.
do we all remember that expression when we were jws?.
someone new would "come into the truth", and be so enthusiastic and keen, that we would all joke about "locking them up for the first 6 months because they would preach to everyone".
jws thought that the passion for "learning the truth" was the issue.
Someone new would "come into the Truth", and be SO enthusiastic and keen, that we would all joke about "locking them up for the first 6 months because they would preach to everyone"
The same can sometimes be said of someone who has just become a vegetarian for example and it can at times be said of those who become X-JW's. They sometimes drive otherwise interested or agreeable ones off, with all of their carrying on.
we got a call from close jw family, that it is now time to visit the kingdom hall again because armagedon is a question of a few months.
now it will happen in a very close time, the brothers say so, was the message.. i had earlier the feeling that jw's think the time has arrived because what they say and what they do, work like mad men with their chart every weekend.. so the expetations are high.. gorby's wife replied "how do you know, you should not know day and hour".
stay alert was the reaction.. so sad and so stupid.. g. .
it's been a long time since i last kept you up to date with leaving process.
well, i got another teaching job, i started to work in october and my contract will expire in july.
that's is almost a year of financial security and i have the certainty that i will be called in a different school in september until i eventually get a fixed post - this is how it works in state schools in spain.
It isn't an don't have to do anything. If you find there are benefits to keeping things the same for a time or for however long you want....why change? Especially since you are making some big transitions in your life. It might be good to have a stable platform on which to fall back on.
You can keep your thoughts about the religion to yourself and refrain from indoctrinating others and simply look at it as a social outlet. They like you like them...nobody gets hurt. I suspect there are many JW's doing the same thing.
why do jehovah's witness members incriminate themselves to any judicial process?
how can three elders conduct a judicial meeting with a 15-year-old teenage girl who supposedly was rumored to fornicate, took drugs or was drunk from drinking alcohol?
can she or the parents refuse to answer any questions?.
Why do Jehovah's Witness members incriminate themselves to any judicial process?
For the same reason they let themselves or their children die rather than take a blood transfusion. They're indoctrinated to do as they are directed.
i have just had the opportunity to read a hard copy of the awake no3 2018 entitled "help for those who grieve".
it really is appalling in its glaring omission of any recommendation to see a professional grief counselor!
I remember turning to those articles in times of need only to find them sorely lacking in any real advice or guidance. Knowing that the religion I had grown up counting on, had noting to offer, only added to the grief I was already suffering. Sometimes it's better to have no hope or expectations rather than to find out in your time of need that ones you thought you had, are false.
just got the heads up from montreal that 16 congregations will cease to exist from 1 april 2019. also 3 kh are no longer going to be used anymore.
this was a major announcement for many and upsetting.
wonder where the r& f are going to be dispersed with what sacrifices in the way!.
Just a thought:
Most JW's don't know the big picture of the organization they belong to. Why, does the organization announce these closures if they are having financial difficulties or are doing something underhanded?
It seems to me that halls could be closed here and there and only the ones attending them and a few surrounding ones a would know about it.
just a thought and perhaps this has been discussed before but no jehovah's witness ever actually dies in the truth.
pick a year, any year.
if a jw died in say 1920 or 2020 or whatever...the doctrines change so much and so fast that what is "truth" today is "untruth" the next within this religion.
Not one JW ever actually dies "in the truth".
Following that line of thought one could also say that not one JW has ever been baptized having a full accurate knowledge of "the truth" beforehand because what is considered accurate knowledge, changes from year to year. Even the questions for baptism have been changed since I was baptized. This means that the questions I was asked and the answers I gave before my baptism weren't correct and thus my my baptism wasn't valid.